Tables API documentation


class querybuilder.tables.TableFactory

Creates the correct table class based on the type of the passed table

static __new__(cls, table, *args, **kwargs)

Determines which type of table class to instantiate based on the table argument

Parameters:table (str or dict or Table or ModelBase or Query) – The table used in determining which type of Table object to return. This can be a string of the table name, a dict of {‘alias’: table}, a Table instance, a django model class, or a Query instance
Returns:The Table instance if a valid type was determined, otherwise None
Return type:Table or None


class querybuilder.tables.Table(table=None, fields=None, schema=None, extract_fields=False, prefix_fields=False, field_prefix=None, owner=None, alias=None)

Abstract table class that all table types extend.


name: str
The name that identifies this table if there is no alias
alias: str
The optional alias used to identify this table
auto_alias: str
An alias that is set automatically by the Query if needed for inner query namespacing
__init__(table=None, fields=None, schema=None, extract_fields=False, prefix_fields=False, field_prefix=None, owner=None, alias=None)

Initializes the table and sets default values

  • table (str or dict or Query or ModelBase) – The table name or model. This can be a string of the table name, a dict of {‘alias’: table}, a Query instance, or a django Model instance
  • fields (str or tuple or list or Field) – The fields to select from table. Defaults to ‘*’. This can be a single field, a tuple of fields, or a list of fields. Each field can be a string or Field instance
  • schema (str) – This is not implemented, but it will be a string of the db schema name
  • extract_fields (bool) – If True, then ‘*’ fields will be converted to individual fields for each column in the table. Defaults to False.
  • prefix_fields (bool) – If True, then the table will have each of its field names prefixed with the field_prefix. Defaults to False.
  • field_prefix (str) – The field prefix to be used in front of each field name if prefix_fields is set to True.
  • owner (Query) – A reference to the query managing this Table object
  • alias (str) – An alias to be used for this table

Adds a field to this table

Parameters:field (str or dict or Field) – This can be a string of a field name, a dict of {‘alias’: field}, or a Field instance

Adds all of the passed fields to the table’s current field list

Parameters:fields (str or tuple or list of str or list of Field or Field) – The fields to select from table. This can be a single field, a tuple of fields, or a list of fields. Each field can be a string or Field instance

This is a template method meant to be extended by subclasses. It is called during the add_field method after the field is returned from the factory, and before calling the field’s before_add method, which is before actually appending the field to the list of fields.

find_field(field=None, alias=None)

Finds a field by name or alias.

Parameters:field (str or dict or Field) – string of the field name or alias, dict of {‘alias’: field}, or a Field instance
Returns:The field if it is found, otherwise None
Return type:Field or None

Gets the alias for the table or the auto_alias if one is set. If there isn’t any kind of alias, None is returned.

Returns:The table alias, auto_alias, or None
Return type:str or None

Loop through this tables fields and calls the get_identifier method on each of them to build a list of field identifiers

Returns:A list of field identifiers found in this table
Return type:list of str

Loop through this tables fields and calls the get_name method on each of them to build a list of field names

Returns:A list of field names found in this table
Return type:list of str

Gets the prefix to be used in front of each field. If no prefix is set, then the identifier for this table is returned

Returns:The field prefix for this table
Return type:str

Loop through this tables fields and calls the get_sql method on each of them to build the field list for the FROM clause

Returns:A list of sql for each field in this table
Return type:list of str

Gets the name to be used in the FROM clause for the table. This is separate from the get_name() method so subclasses don’t always have to reference the table name by the FROM name. Otherwise Table subclasses like a QueryTable would be using the full Query sql for the get_name when getting the identifier in other parts of the query.


Gets the name to reference the table within a query. If a table is aliased, it will return the alias, otherwise it returns the table name

Returns:the name to reference the table within a query
Return type:str

Gets the name for the table and returns it. This identifies the table if there is not an alias set.

Returns:The name for the table
Return type:str

Gets the FROM sql portion for this table Ex: table_name AS alias

Returns:Returns the table identifier to be used in the FROM sql portion of the query
Return type:str

Template method meant to be overridden by subclasses. This is called in the __init__ before calling set_fields


Removes a field from this table

Parameters:field (str or dict or Field) – This can be a string of a field name, a dict of {‘alias’: field}, or a Field instance

This will clear the table’s current fields and add all new fields

Parameters:fields (str or tuple or list of str or list of Field or Field) – The fields to select from table. This can be a single field, a tuple of fields, or a list of fields. Each field can be a string or Field instance


class querybuilder.tables.SimpleTable(table=None, fields=None, schema=None, extract_fields=False, prefix_fields=False, field_prefix=None, owner=None, alias=None)

A table that is created with just the string name of the table

__init__(table=None, fields=None, schema=None, extract_fields=False, prefix_fields=False, field_prefix=None, owner=None, alias=None)

Initializes the table and sets default values

  • table (str or dict or Query or ModelBase) – The table name or model. This can be a string of the table name, a dict of {‘alias’: table}, a Query instance, or a django Model instance
  • fields (str or tuple or list or Field) – The fields to select from table. Defaults to ‘*’. This can be a single field, a tuple of fields, or a list of fields. Each field can be a string or Field instance
  • schema (str) – This is not implemented, but it will be a string of the db schema name
  • extract_fields (bool) – If True, then ‘*’ fields will be converted to individual fields for each column in the table. Defaults to False.
  • prefix_fields (bool) – If True, then the table will have each of its field names prefixed with the field_prefix. Defaults to False.
  • field_prefix (str) – The field prefix to be used in front of each field name if prefix_fields is set to True.
  • owner (Query) – A reference to the query managing this Table object
  • alias (str) – An alias to be used for this table

Sets the name of the table to the passed in table value


class querybuilder.tables.ModelTable(table=None, fields=None, schema=None, extract_fields=False, prefix_fields=False, field_prefix=None, owner=None, alias=None)

A table that is created by passing a django model for the table field. This allows fields to be extract and for joins to be made without specifying a condition.

__init__(table=None, fields=None, schema=None, extract_fields=False, prefix_fields=False, field_prefix=None, owner=None, alias=None)

Initializes the table and sets default values

  • table (str or dict or Query or ModelBase) – The table name or model. This can be a string of the table name, a dict of {‘alias’: table}, a Query instance, or a django Model instance
  • fields (str or tuple or list or Field) – The fields to select from table. Defaults to ‘*’. This can be a single field, a tuple of fields, or a list of fields. Each field can be a string or Field instance
  • schema (str) – This is not implemented, but it will be a string of the db schema name
  • extract_fields (bool) – If True, then ‘*’ fields will be converted to individual fields for each column in the table. Defaults to False.
  • prefix_fields (bool) – If True, then the table will have each of its field names prefixed with the field_prefix. Defaults to False.
  • field_prefix (str) – The field prefix to be used in front of each field name if prefix_fields is set to True.
  • owner (Query) – A reference to the query managing this Table object
  • alias (str) – An alias to be used for this table

If extract_fields is set to True, then ‘*’ fields will be removed and each individual field will read from the model meta data and added.


Sets a model instance variable to the table value and sets the name to the table name as determined from the model class


class querybuilder.tables.QueryTable(table=None, fields=None, schema=None, extract_fields=False, prefix_fields=False, field_prefix=None, owner=None, alias=None)

A table that contains a Query object. This is used for inner queries in more complex queries, usually involving window functions or some sort of aggregation.

__init__(table=None, fields=None, schema=None, extract_fields=False, prefix_fields=False, field_prefix=None, owner=None, alias=None)

Initializes the table and sets default values

  • table (str or dict or Query or ModelBase) – The table name or model. This can be a string of the table name, a dict of {‘alias’: table}, a Query instance, or a django Model instance
  • fields (str or tuple or list or Field) – The fields to select from table. Defaults to ‘*’. This can be a single field, a tuple of fields, or a list of fields. Each field can be a string or Field instance
  • schema (str) – This is not implemented, but it will be a string of the db schema name
  • extract_fields (bool) – If True, then ‘*’ fields will be converted to individual fields for each column in the table. Defaults to False.
  • prefix_fields (bool) – If True, then the table will have each of its field names prefixed with the field_prefix. Defaults to False.
  • field_prefix (str) – The field prefix to be used in front of each field name if prefix_fields is set to True.
  • owner (Query) – A reference to the query managing this Table object
  • alias (str) – An alias to be used for this table

Return the query sql in the FROM clause of the query when building the table sql


Gets the FROM sql portion for this table Ex: table_name AS alias

Returns:Returns the table identifier to be used in the FROM sql portion of the query
Return type:str

Sets a query instance variable to the table value